Just as we are called to serve our global and local communities, we are also called to love and serve one another. Within our St Mark’s Community, we continually work together to build a place of grace, growth, learning, and joy.

You can also read about all the ways we are reaching out to our community locally and globally and find out how to get involved.

Women of St. Mark's

Open to women of all ages for faithful community, lively discussion, and meaningful service.

Women of the ELCA Mission & Purpose:

As a community of women created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to grow in  faith, affirm our gifts, support one another in our callings, engage in ministry and action, and promote healing and wholeness in the church, the society, and the world.

Go to the WELCA website for more information.

A large group of women sitting in a circle of chairs with a ring of tea lights in the center.

This active group of women at St. Mark’s hosts several activities throughout the year. Our biggest events are a fall retreat, an Advent brunch, and a spring luncheon, all with wonderful programs. This year we started our popular Summer Craft Night series, for crafters of all ages and experience levels to learn and share.

We also support the ongoing work of Lutheran World Relief and share our talents with many of the ministries of St. Mark’s. We quilt and assemble school and new-baby kits for those in desperate need at home and abroad, we study the bible, we support youth scholarships, and we work to make St. Mark’s a welcoming place to grow in faith and fellowship.

Circle Bible Studies

Lydia Circle—first Tuesday of the month in the Parish Commons Classroom—bring a brown bag lunch.

Ruth Ann Circle—meets monthly in Gig Harbor homes—contact Suzy Reynolds if interested.

WELCA Devotionals

Luther Seminary  “God Pause” www.luthersem.edu/godpause/

Women of the ELCA “Bold Café” (created by and for young adult women) www.boldcafe.org

Prayer Shawl Ministry

When you combine knitting and praying, what do you get? A tangible, warm, beautiful sign of God’s love to wrap around someone who is hurting. Can be done at home, while waiting for appointments or in groups.

Care Ministry Team

St. Mark’s Care ministers  are available to walk with you through a season of change, challenge or loss. For more information about Care ministers, contact the church office (office@smlutheran.org).

Prayer Chain

If you would like information about this ministry, wish to participate or would like to request prayers please contact Linda McKeller in the church office at linda.mckeller@smlutheran.org or call 253-752-4966.