Pastoral Leadership
Briana Merkle
Lead Pastor
Mark Gravrock
Interim Associate Pastor
Ingelaurie Lisher
Deacon, Director of Youth and Family Ministries
Linda McKeller | Office Coordinator/Receptionist
Cooper Sherry | Director of Music Ministry
Jon Hillstead | Director of Music for Contemporary Worship
Mike McKeller | Bookkeeper
Steve Johnson | Director of Finance and Operation
Pat Buck | Financial Recording Secretary
Teresa Handy | Custodian and Hospitality Coordinator
Carrie Olschner | Publications Coordinator
Cody Schuman | Media and Production Coordinator
Hollye Piercy | Children’s Faith Formation Coordinator
Katie Jones | Preschool Director
Linda Heath | Parish Nurse
Church Council
Janet Grant | President
Mark Meade | Vice President
Laura Oellerich | Secretary
Carol Avery | Treasurer
Christian Anderson | Finance and Operations
Heather Clauson | Adult Faith Formation
Paula Friedmann | Peace and Justice
Jerry Foss | Congregational Care
Ben Shjerven | Outreach
Christine Brass | Worship and Music
Derek Smith | Stewardship
Michelle Frechette | Children, Youth, and Family Faith Formation