Worship Volunteers

There are a variety of ways to be involved in Sunday morning worship in addition to music groups.

Training is available and you will be able to sign up to serve in areas you are comfortable in, on dates that work for you.

Greeters meet worshipers as they enter the church. Warmly greet, welcome, acknowledge, and provide help and information as needed.

Ushers meet worshipers as they enter the sanctuary. Distribute worship bulletins and oversee congregational physical well-being during worship. Guide worshipers to open seats, direct congregation during communion, gather prayer request cards and offering and count attendance.

Read the lessons during Sunday morning worship. The lessons are sent to the readers in the week before the service so you can familiarize yourself with the text.

Communion Servers
Assist pastors in distribution of wine, juice and bread during the Lord’s Supper.

Altar Guild
Sign up for a variety of responsibilities, according to personal schedules.

  • Prepare Sunday Communion (1st shift 8:05–9:45am, 2nd shift 10:45–12:15pm). A shared responsibility once or twice a month.

  • Stock wafers, wine, grape juice, and candles as necessary; approximately four times per year.

  • Refill/replace candles and candle oil, can be a shared responsibility; weekly.

  • Clean and press communion linens, a shared responsibility; weekly.

Bread Baking Team

Bread Bakers bake 12 loaves of communion bread for Sunday service.

  • The bakers use a specific quick bread recipe.

  • Bread MUST BE delivered prior to communion set up. Delivery on Friday when the church is open is ideal, but bread can be brought to church prior to 8am on Sunday morning, if needed.

Interested in being a worship volunteer?

Sign up using the form below!


Elected and Appointed Positions


St. Mark’s Alliances